Saturday, April 26, 2008

Why burn your heart !!!

Its surprising to find that people burn their hearts over the tiniest matters in life. Some are jealous, some just want the others down but surprisingly most of them dont even have a reason for such hatred.
It is the third category which is the most difficult to handle and perhaps the most to worry about coz they dont even have a reason for jealousy but still love to hate. If you just happen to witness any of the realty shows you would find that they are in aplenty. I was shocked to see even sportsmen being part of this in the recent IPL matches. Many expected, including myself that sledging would diminish in this format. But its the reverse which is happening and sadly Indians are getting against Indians. Players who played as one team are now after each other's blood (atleast on-field) as they represent different teams. Aggression is good as long as its controlled. But when will these people understand. Sports can never be a great leveller and arena for friendship if the aggression is un-controlled. If civilised people cannot control themselves in sports itself, one cannot expect the uncivilised, uneducated, poverty stricken people who turn terrorists to see sense. Some argue that aggression is good for sports but where is this aggression taking us to. What are the children observing from such behaviour ? The behaviour of players, actors, common man in sports, reality shows and news channels.
I hate to watch TV today because none of the programmes including news channel want to see good of people. In name of entertaintment, in pursuit of TRPs and for profits to themselves these people are just exploiting emotions of people. But to blame them would not be a solution.
Its the people who are to be blamed as the media sells only what is bought. If people dont stop getting exploited, dont let someone run high on their emotions and dont understand the hidden deceit in others they would keep falling prey to theirs and others greed.
When will we understand that Man comes with nothing in his hand and will go with nothing in his hands. The name, fame, money, lust all shall fall, diminish and be obsolete once the heart stops beating. So why burn your heart!!!

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