Friday, August 8, 2008


(Dedicated to Praveen, whose good words, strange yet pleasantly surprising praise made me to think again of writing…which I think I had forgotten/chosen to forget. So in case web is full of crap….u know Praveen is the man to blame!!!!)

The three alphabet word which should be counted as one amongst the deadliest in the world apart from “YES” and “NO”. Well if you don’t believe me then sample this:

I like you BUT…………………..

I want you BUT…………………

You are a good person BUT…….

You would have made it BUT…..

You deserve it BUT……………..

Your work is nice BUT………….

Guess by now you must yourself thought of many buts that would have knocked the butts out many.

Man by nature would never be satisfied…guess that’s the reasons for our development BUT this dis-satisfaction is now becoming a bane. We forget to appreciate things in their perspective and keep demanding perfection even when it cannot be done more better given the circumstances and means.

If good gracious Lord himself would come on this earth, we would ask Him for his proof and demonstration of his super powers and then still chide him saying that You are good BUT…aren’t better than Krishh, Superman, Batman, etc, etc/

So why do we keep saying the word BUT……. Of course apart from trying to be perfectionist, the word is used for reasons more important which would be in following order:

  1. Frog in well mentality
  2. Insecurity / Jealously
  3. Lack of appreciative eye
  4. and many more other reasons……..

To be honest for me either 1 / 2 have been more of reasons than anything else. I was lucky (or were others lucky) that I realized the folly quickly many a times and then understood to be appreciative. But…..yes again but….with kids somehow and sometimes with friends/close people I become to demanding and say BUT.

So how would you rate yourself while appraising things and others? Remember the world is never perfect and can never be, cause if world became perfect then we have to be dead as paradise is reached then. Hence, instead of trying to be perfect and achieve perfection in every thing, try making peace with yourself. Know your limits and that of others. As the main purpose of writing this is to spread a message in a light hearted manner, imagine the situation of each of those persons in the situations mentioned above where BUT would/could be/have been used.

I have tried to plot some of them, BUT….you would definitely do better!!!!

I like you BUT………………… are not rich/ handsome/(beautiful),

you are not like a superman

you are not like my dad

I want you BUT…………………cant afford you

Society wouldn’t permit

afraid of__________

You are a good person BUT…….we cant be friends as that would be_____

I still don’t want to give my daughter(/son) to you

You would have made it BUT…..I / Boss liked him more

He has more reach

You deserve it BUT…………… one thinks so

we don’t want to give because______

Your work is nice BUT………….this could have been made better (I cant appreciate you in front of others)